Help Youth Canada

Help Youth Canada

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist Vancouver unhoused and at–risk-youth. We do this in two ways: 1) through our community-based Project Backpack campaign (“PBP”) and, 2) through the H.E.L.P. Bursary Fund.

PBP - Project Backpack

Project Backpack is a community-based educational initiative that helps Vancouver unhoused youth survive on the street, through the collection and distribution of backpacks stuffed with essential items.

PBP donates new backpacks which are then filled by donors. The packs are donated to youth shelters for distribution.

Now in its 19th year, PBP works closely with schools and businesses to educate the community about the unhoused youth issue in Vancouver. Informative presentations are given to schools & businesses, where social/case workers, along with a HYC member, address the real questions as to why youth end up on the street, and how the act of stuffing a backpack can make a difference.

The H.E.L.P. Bursary Fund

The H.E.L.P. Bursary Fund gives at-risk youth the chance at a better life. We believe that everyone, regardless of their past, deserves the chance to obtain an education, leading to a good job and a path out of poverty. We achieve this by working closely with local youth agencies who recommend motivated, school-ready youth for our bursaries. Together, as a team, we work to provide wrap-around care to ensure each bursary youth stands the best chance of success.

Social Worker

“I have had the pleasure of working alongside HELP supporting youth and have been impressed with their active role, not only providing funding for schooling but also in taking the time to know and understand the youth. They helped provide concrete avenues of support. Through the HELP program, participants gain confidence in their abilities, skills and a career to contribute to a meaningful life.”

UBC Grad and bursary student

“I cannot express how grateful I am towards HELP’s kindness, emotional and financial support. They helped me to make realistic, achievable plans. They taught me skills on budgeting my finances and strategize about my short term and long-term goals. They are extremely caring towards me and all marginalized members of the community. They have given me a second chance in life, the only chance I ever received to pursue my educational goals.”

Social Worker

“I have had the opportunity to work with this bursary for three youth. All three youth greatly benefited from this bursary and the support that was offered. I know that without this support all three youth would not have been able to reach their educational goals. I have enjoyed working with this professional team who assist youth at risk.”

Bursary Youth

“You were there ready to support me through all of my challenges and followed up to make sure I was okay. I really couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunity that you guys gave me and the amount of compassion and care that you show to people in similar situations to mine. You guys are amazing.”

Bursary Youth

“Schooling has made my life a lot better. I’m more confident in my future and in my abilities, thanks to you. If you asked me when I was younger, if I was ever going to university or college I would have never thought it was possible. Here I am going to BCIT, succeeding and excelling at a very hard profession. I’m thankful for everything you have provided. I have already seen a change in how I see the world thanks to this program and how I tackle trouble in my daily life.”